Psalm 61:2

“From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”


The Perspective of Prayer

Not only can prayer reach farther, but it can go higher. Think of being in an airplane and coming in for a landing into a new city. No matter how tall the skyscrapers are as the plane enters the city, they always look so small.
In the same way, we may feel that our problems are overwhelmingly tall, but when we pray, we get above them, and gain an entirely different perspective.
The towering Rock to which we are led for safety is, of course, Jesus Christ. He’s the Rock of our salvation.
Sometimes we face a trial that is limited to one particular situation or circumstance. At other times we feel as if we are facing a full onslaught of many difficulties at once. These trials and hardships are different and changing, and leaves us feeling overwhelmed. 
In Scripture, Jesus Christ is sometimes spoken of as a Rock. Like a rock, He can provide shade from the onslaught of troubles, and sight in our troubles, and stability to make us feel secure.
The Rock Provides Shade.
The Psalmist said: “The rock that is higher than I.” This means that rock will give plenty of shade/protection/safety to the weary soul. Spiritually it says Jesus Christ, Who is higher than we are, will shade/protect/ deliver us from the scorching heat of our troubles.
Our troubles are like the hot blistering sun that can cause sunstrokes and even death. But Jesus Christ provides the shade and shelter of safety from the hot burning sun of our troubles.
The Rock provides Sight.
The psalmist said: “The rock that is higher than I.” Being on a rock that is “higher than I” gives us better sight than being on ground level. Jesus Christ and His Word are like the rock, in that they give better sight than what we can see down here on earth.
In our troubles we need the perspective of eternity that the Rock, Jesus Christ, can give us. We need to view things from a different perspective than the world has.
The Rock provides Stability.
The Psalmist said: “The rock that is higher than I.” Prayer also allows us to come closer to God. I have discovered over, and over again that, even though I come in a moment of misery, a day of difficulty, or a time of trouble, I can come boldly into the Lord’s presence through prayer.
In His presence I’m no longer tossed about by the winds of troubles and uncertainties. Even though there’s a lot of shaking happening on the outside, there’s peace and stability within, because the only stable ground is God himself.
Nahum 1:7, “The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him.”
By Corville Peters

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