John 4:23

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.


The Right Kind of Worship

What do you think of when you think of worship? Does a particular song come to mind or do you see a picture of a church filled with people singing?  If you said yes, I think most of us, at onetime of another has thought the same thing, and it isn’t necessarily wrong. Singing songs of adoration and praise is worship and it is something that we as believers in Jesus should want to do.
But that isn’t where worship stops.
Singing and speaking songs and words of worship to God is vital, but there is more to worship than that. John 4:23 says that true worshippers worship in Spirit and truth. That means that it’s more than just words that we speak or sing regarding our feelings of appreciation to God and what He has done and continues to do for us. In spirit means that there is an inward recognition of what God has done for us that produces an outward expression, not only in song, but in how we live our lives. True worship of our heavenly Father isn’t dependent on how we feel in the moment or the Sunday morning song list but from the changed nature of a life completely surrendered to Jesus Christ.
And the outward singing comes from the joy and gratitude we feel because of what Jesus does in our life; how he provides and heals and gives us grace upon grace. As we go about our lives, time we spend with Jesus, how we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us so that people can see Jesus through us, is the kind of worship the Father seeks.
by Kalesha Peters

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