Zechariah 9:12

“Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope…”

Return, Prisoners of Hope

Are you a prisoner of despair, or a PRISONER OF HOPE? There are so many hearts today that are held in bondage by Satan, sin, circumstances and a host of other things. But there is a special invitation from God Himself if you’re living in despair today: “RETURN TO YOUR FORTRESS, O PRISONERS OF HOPE.” Friend, take courage, however desperate your circumstances appear and find hope in the word of God: “Those who hope in the Lord will be happy and pleased! Our help comes from the God of Jacob! You keep all your promises. You are the Creator of heaven’s glory, earth’s grandeur, and ocean’s greatness. The oppressed get justice with you. The hungry are satisfied with you. Prisoners find their freedom with you. You open the eyes of the blind and you fully restore those bent over with shame. You love those who love and honor you.” (Psalm 146:5-8) Somebody said: “The Bible is a window in this prison of hope.” The prisoners of hope are those who, even though still enduring difficulty, continue to hope in God and his promises. Prisoners of hope, your liberator Jesus Christ is near. Trust Him and be set free! And watch this; HE PROMISES TO RESTORE TWICE AS MUCH TO YOU!
By Corville Peters

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