Psalm 18:6,
In my distress I cried out to the Lord; Yes, I prayed to my God for help.
He heard me from his sanctuary; My cry to him reached his ears.


The Bible is the great source book on prayer.
It offers no theories about prayer.
It preaches no sermons on prayer.
It does not define prayer at all.
It simply tells us that when people prayed, God acted.
Wherever you are and whatever you’re going through, know that God’s ear is always open. You can always come to Him in prayer. We don’t have to wait in line, and we don’t have to wait for some sort of catastrophe. Under any circumstance prayer should be, and is always the first thing we should do.
We all know what it feels like to be overwhelmed in life. Sometimes it's as if all the problems that could come, all come at once. Other times life is going well when suddenly, without warning, it seems like all the powers of hell have broken loose over our life.
There are times we have a problem, and we pray and God answers right away. We all love those times don't we? It's really easy in those time to think "This is great, I like this prayer stuff.” It's easy to feel energized and motivated to pray when things work out the way we want them to.
But those times don't alway happen do they? There are times we pray and the situation gets worse. Instead of the problems going away, they seem even more compounded and we think "God, you're supposed to take the problem away, not make it harder." In those instances, praying can be a little more challenging.
We always have a choice. We can either continue to pray, whether out prayers get answered right away or we need to dig in a little more. Or we can grow weary and lose heart in the midst of the problems, and give up.
In truth, the more time we spend with God, the more our eyes remain on Him and not on the things happening around us. That allows us the ability to go through any trial or difficult season, having Jesus as our anchor. The more we pray, the more surefooted we become because we are coninually grounded in the knowing that our Father is faithful and good. So even when the storms rage, and they will, we can rest because God is in control.
As children of God, there is victory on the other side of this difficulty. Don't be discouraged. PRAY!
by Corville Peters

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