Passage: Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2: 1-7
Verse: Genesis 2:7
Then the Lord formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.


Just a Little Reminder

I spent some of my childhood in Jamaica and they are an extremely innovative and resourceful people. One of my favourite innovations is the ‘push-cart’. These carts are made of wood and the wagon portion is long enough to transport things, with four wheels, a steering wheel and even brakes. It’s a sight to see men and even young boys weaving in and out of local traffic with these wooden vehicles. I marvel at the human ability to create and be creative. We get that from God you know.
The story of creation is God filling the blank canvas of this universe with dynamic colour. He painted the sky, raised mountains and dug the depths of the sea. He turned nothing into something functioning and beautiful, teeming with life. But the pinnacle of all this was the creation of man. Genesis 2:7 says He “formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils” and man became a living being. He took dust or dirt, the stuff that we sweep up and throw away, made a human form and breathed life that continues today.
Stop and think about that: the complexities and intricacies of a human being - the cells, tissues, organs, limbs, nails, hair, not to mention feelings, emotions, intelligence, the senses and so much more, all that God created just by breathing into a dirt form. So how can anything we bring to God be too big for Him to handle or too complex for Him to figure out? Not only can He handle our storms, He can make something beautiful out of it. There isn’t anything impossible for Him. There nothing that is out of his ability to restore and nothing he can’t repurpose and make new.  This same God is the one who goes before you.

Father, in times of uncertainty and struggle, help me to remember that you not only spoke the universe into existence but you hold it together and you are able to keep me.


by Kalesha Peters


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