When worry begins to creep through the door of your circumstances and begin to consume your mind, here are FOUR THINGS to concentrate on:
1.  CONCENTRATE ON GOD’S WORD — Ask yourself, “Is what I’m thinking about really happening? Or is it just my imagination running wild?” Even with today’s wealth of books, and Wikipedia, the Bible remains the only source of divine revelation, and power that will guard your heart and your mind.
Listen close; these are just some of the significant promises in the Bible:
The Bible is the source of truth. 
The Bible is the source of God’s blessing when obeyed. 
The Bible is the source of victory. 
The Bible is the source of growth. 
The Bible is the source of power. 
The Bible is the source of guidance. 
What am I saying? I’m saying that God’s Word is the antidote for worry!
2.  CONCENTRATE ON GOD’S PRESENCE — God is real, folks. He is near. You are not alone. He cares about you deeply. He’s going to see you through. The presence of God can make a prison into a palace; but the lack of God’s presence can make a palace into a prison. Practice the presence of God in every circumstance, by saying, “Lord Jesus, thank you that You are here with me.”
3.  CONCENTRATE ON GOD’S TRUSTWORTHINESS — Fear and courage are constantly at odds with each other in our hearts. Just being afraid does not prove we are cowards; but it does prove we are failing to put our trust in God. God is worthy of trust because He is faithful and He is good. It is our trust in God that will destroy our patterns of worry and anxiety.
4.  CONCENTRATE ON GOD LISTENING — Pour out your heart to God in prayer. The greatest thing we can do in the midst of worry, is draw closer to God in prayer. God is always present and He is always listening. You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray, until you have prayed.

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