Psalm 46:10
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

Be Still

It is hard for me to be still sometimes. I have gotten so used to the constant ‘go’ mentality that North American city life fosters that when I am given the opportunity to slow down, due to sickness or a simple vacation, I find myself fighting against it. I feel the need to always be busy, to always have something to do so as not to appear to be lazy or someone who is apt to waste time.
But sometimes God calls us to a season of just being still before Him. We can, at times, bring the busyness of our everyday lives into our relationship with God and view our time with him as something to check off as completed or to list off all things we are delegating to him to take care of while we worry about them in the background. I don’t know about you, but in those times I find that God will allow things to take place in my life that are completely out of my control. With nothing to busy myself with I am forced to be still before God and what a peace that Is waiting for me when I am still! When I actually stop and quiet my thoughts and even myself and focus on my loving, faithful and wonderful Saviour, there is an amazing peace that is waiting to surround me, so much so that I wonder why I fill myself with things that take me farther from that kind of peace.
Be still and know that I am God. He doesn’t need my help. My input and my busyness isn’t necessary in order for God to work or accomplish things. But my ability to be still and allow God to be God, to give Him the space to direct and lead is what is necessary for Him to be exalted not only in my life but through it so that I and those around me can experience the wonder that is Jesus. That is not done through being busy, but simply being still and allowing Him to do the rest!
by Kalesha Peters

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